I Am She

I am the writer, the poetess,the weaver of words and worlds. I am the scribe of the heavens, the keeper of the secrets of the cosmos, She who reads the calligraphy of the suns and stars.
I am the oracle with the lunar crescent drawn upon her brow. I am the veiled one who walks between the worlds. I am the ancient Sibyl who sees beyond time and space.
I am the fiery flickering hiss of the serpent Priestess; I am the Pythia, the kundalini awakener. I am Lilith, the holy Harlot, bewitching enchantress who bids you to bite the apple.
I am the star of Venus, the Magdalene, the Divine beloved who’s intoxicating presence sustains your soul.
I am the wild wolf woman, bearing teeth and claws. I am the fierce protectress, and the virgin huntress.
I am the wisdom of the cealliach written in bone and stone. I am the alchemy of the crone. I am the midnight black wing of the crow sister that brushes your cheek.
I am Ishtar, sovereign Queen who arose reborn. I am the pure shining swan maiden of the bright new dawn.
I am Circe, I am the first witch, I am the medicine woman, the mystress of magic. I am the sacred sourceress, wise woman of the old ways. Seer, healer, deep soul diver.
I am the initiatrix,
I am the Shakti, the Shamanka, the Shekinah,
I am light and dark, I am creation and destruction, I am beauty and terror.
All Polarities reside within me.
I am all that ever was and all that ever will be, I AM SHE.

Maria Jones
Art Credit: Natasa Illincic

La mia Newsletter

Voglio lasciarti immaginare come sarebbe raggiungermi qui, dove puoi scoprire il suono che
fa il piacere quando si lascia scrivere.

Qui dove le parole vogliono entrare nei tuoi passi,
scivolarti dentro la pelle, cantare alle ossa, danzare nel sangue e mescolarsi al cuore.

Qui dove cerco di spargere fuoco e ardore perché ogni Newsletter si trasformi in una lettera d’amore al corpo, che risvegli in te la passione di viverlo intensamente, di viaggiarci dentro e attraverso.

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P.IVA 02682610395 * Photo by Giui Russo e Lorenza Daprà * Brand Identity by Tamara Berlaffa
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