I am the writer, the poetess,the weaver of words and worlds. I am the scribe of the heavens, the keeper of the secrets of the cosmos, She who reads the calligraphy of the suns and stars.
I am the oracle with the lunar crescent drawn upon her brow. I am the veiled one who walks between the worlds. I am the ancient Sibyl who sees beyond time and space.
I am the fiery flickering hiss of the serpent Priestess; I am the Pythia, the kundalini awakener. I am Lilith, the holy Harlot, bewitching enchantress who bids you to bite the apple.
I am the star of Venus, the Magdalene, the Divine beloved who’s intoxicating presence sustains your soul.
I am the wild wolf woman, bearing teeth and claws. I am the fierce protectress, and the virgin huntress.
I am the wisdom of the cealliach written in bone and stone. I am the alchemy of the crone. I am the midnight black wing of the crow sister that brushes your cheek.
I am Ishtar, sovereign Queen who arose reborn. I am the pure shining swan maiden of the bright new dawn.
I am Circe, I am the first witch, I am the medicine woman, the mystress of magic. I am the sacred sourceress, wise woman of the old ways. Seer, healer, deep soul diver.
I am the initiatrix,
I am the Shakti, the Shamanka, the Shekinah,
I am light and dark, I am creation and destruction, I am beauty and terror.
All Polarities reside within me.
I am all that ever was and all that ever will be, I AM SHE.
Maria Jones
Art Credit: Natasa Illincic