Go into ecstatic fire

I’ll never thank Chandani enough for the great workshop she did. I’m still in that energy.I can stay in this Power, feel my Kundalini, my female strength, the fire of my awakened sexual energy and it means a lot right now for me. I’m a tantra masseur and even my clients have noticed and felt the shift within me, in my presence and energy. Chandani is such a wonderful woman, a wild and powerful snake woman who truly shows what it means to embody the Snake Goddess, to let Her flow in you and through you. I feel very blessed and grateful. It’s a big gift to keep connecting and grounding this energy of sheer awakening, to go into this ecstatic fire, with myself, my partner and all people around me.

La mia Newsletter

Voglio lasciarti immaginare come sarebbe raggiungermi qui, dove puoi scoprire il suono che
fa il piacere quando si lascia scrivere.

Qui dove le parole vogliono entrare nei tuoi passi,
scivolarti dentro la pelle, cantare alle ossa, danzare nel sangue e mescolarsi al cuore.

Qui dove cerco di spargere fuoco e ardore perché ogni Newsletter si trasformi in una lettera d’amore al corpo, che risvegli in te la passione di viverlo intensamente, di viaggiarci dentro e attraverso.

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P.IVA 02682610395 * Photo by Giui Russo e Lorenza Daprà * Brand Identity by Tamara Berlaffa
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